At a Glance: Sapiens: A Graphic History

(Sapiens: A Graphic History: The Birth of Humankind by David Vandermeulen, Daniel Casanave & Yuval Noah Harari)
(Sapiens: A Graphic History: The Birth of Humankind)

This graphical adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari’s novel Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind describes the origin and rise of mankind.  Focusing primarily on the Cognitive Revolution, Harari contextualizes our origin story with the modern-day world, explaining how our contemporary society influences our ability to interpret and relate to the past.  Stylistically, the adaptation into comic format further develops his message and content.  For example, Harari uses comic adaptations of Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica” when discussing clashes between early Sapiens communities and Norman Rockwell’s “The Gossips” when explaining the role of language in the first bands of Sapiens.  Ultimately, he condenses a copious amount of information into a coherent and engaging 250-page graphic novel that is accessible for all ages.

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