At a Glance: Barkskins

(Barkskins by Annie Proulx)

Pulitzer-prize winner Annie Proulx takes readers on a 300-year saga through the woods of North America in her novel Barkskins. Clocking in at just over 700 pages, Barkskins tells the story of two immigrants from Paris, René Sel and Charles Duquet, and their descendants. Sel and Duquet move to New France as indentured servants in the late 17thcentury and take up professions in woodcutting.  Proulx methodically follows the Sel and Duquet family lines and their association with the logging industry into the present day.  Despite the novel’s length, Barkskins is a relatively quick read, as Proulx keeps the stories moving at a quick clip.  A general piece of advice for e-reader users: Proulx provides family trees for the Sel and Duquet families at the back of Barkskins, which you will reference often.  I would recommend either buying the physical book or finding the family trees online and printing them.

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